
CSUN Assistive Technology Conference

Thomas Simpson
June 28, 2024

CSUN is one of the most anticipated trade shows in the braille industry. Companies and attendees alike come for the new products, upcoming feature updates of existing products, and major announcements. There is everything from braille displays to video magnifiers, robotic dogs to tactile graphics, and so much more. 

Unlike the other exhibitors, we attended CSUN without a product to sell. Instead, we showed up with five prototype versions of a not-yet-fully-formed multiline braille display and a story to tell about what we are doing and why we are doing it. We attended because we know that CSUN brings people together who are passionate about braille, and we know that the feedback we get from the community can help us build a product that people will love.

Throughout the week, we met with hundreds of people to learn what people want and need in a multiline braille display. We learned that people really are excited for a world with multiline braille displays and the possibilities they can bring. We learned that using double tap to place a cursor is intuitive and something that people really enjoyed compared to using cursor routing keys. We learned that people have different ideas of what multiline braille does when reading a book or when typing. We learned that everyone has their own personal reasons for liking (or disliking) our multiline braille display, and that there is no single display that can be perfect for everyone. 

We also learned that we are on the right track. The feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive despite the prototypes occasionally failing. People just got it. 

Up until CSUN we have been working with individuals in the braille community seeking feedback and input on what we are building, and to have CSUN be our first public display with such positive responses was validating. Positive feedback came from both long time braille experts and people new to refreshable braille. We received great feedback from people who want braille for reading books, others for writing books, and others who are programmers. We even had a famous musician stop by for about 30 minutes who had great things to say about our efforts towards braille music.

Now that CSUN has come and gone the next step is to take what we have learned, both the good and the bad, and make our first product even better. Building with the guidance of the braille community is infinitely better than building in a vacuum.

One day in the near future we hope to be one of those companies announcing a new product. Until that day comes we continue to ask for your feedback. If you have ideas about what you want in a multiline braille display, please email us at

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